Ep025 – FIVP Practice Matters: Coaching and Mentoring
What is the difference between coaching and mentorship? KATIE FORD and MYLES DOWNEY share their views.
Ep024 – FIVP Practice Matters at SPVS: Employee Owned Trusts/Pet Insurance
A guide to Employee Owned Trusts (EOTs) from two independent practices, plus PetPlan considers the implementation of pet insurance arrangements in practice.
Ep023 – FIVP Practice Matters at SPVS: The Farm Vet Journey/Practice Debt
Dr Owen Atkinson explains the progression of the farm vet sector, plus Mike Brooks shares how your practice can tackle debt
Ep022 – FIVP Practice Matters: Personal Finance for Vets
Vet and entrepreneur Dr Katie Ford returns to FIVP Practice Matters to discuss personal finance amongst vet teams
Ep021 – FIVP Practice Matters: Sustainability in Vet Practice
In the first episode of Series 2, we welcome back Onswitch founder Alison Lambert to discuss sustainability. What does it mean in practice management?
Ep020 – FIVP Practice Matters: Westport Veterinary Clinic and Accreditation
We catch up with FIVP member Westport Veterinary Clinic to learn more about the accreditation process and what it means to their practice.
Ep019 – FIVP Practice Matters: Fife Exotic Vets and LGBT+ Inclusivity in Practice
We celebrate the launch of new FIVP member Fife Exotic Vets – a new exotics clinic located right next door to Fife Zoo. Plus, are independent practices inclusive to LGBT+ colleagues?
Ep018 – FIVP Practice Matters: The Bella Moss Foundation
Learn more about The Bella Moss Foundation, and why it is working to improve standards of practice hygiene.
Ep017 – FIVP Practice Matters: Alison Lambert – Client Care
Alison Lambert, Onswitch CEO, returns to discuss client care. As the CMA investigation continues, how can improving ‘the client experience’ help retain trust?
Ep016 – FIVP Practice Matters: BVNA Congress
The FIVP: Practice Matters podcast is at BVNA Congress 2024, looking at the BVNA’s theme of ‘progression’. Guests include Kirsty Gwynne, Ben Myring and Pam Mosedale