RUMA CA&E launches 2024 Antibiotic Amnesty campaign

FIVP would like to encourage its members to get involved with the Responsible Use of Medicines Alliance – Companion Animal and Equine’s (RUMA CA&E’s) third annual Antibiotic Amnesty Month this November.

The One Health initiative is organised to help veterinary practices to raise awareness of antimicrobial resistance, and the threat it poses to human health, animal health and wildlife.

Antimicrobial resistance occurs when microbes develop an immunity against medicines that are created to treat infections. This can lead to bacterial infections in humans and animals that cannot be treated with antibiotics – which can result in serious global implications.

If a pet is given unnecessary or outdated antibiotics, there is a risk that microbes may generate a resistance to the drug, threatening its future efficacy. It can cause animals to develop dangerous side effects and make conditions more difficult to diagnose.

The campaign also aims to prevent the environmental pollution that the incorrect disposal of medications can result in. When antibiotics leak into rivers, they can threaten wildlife and cause dangerous bacteria to develop immunity to their effects.

This year’s initiative follows the success of Antibiotic Amnesty 2023, which saw 2,458 antibiotic tablets returned to participating practices. This is three times the amount returned in 2022.

There was also a 70 per cent increase in those who signed up for updates on the campaign – 302 practices and veterinary organisations took part.

RUMA CA&E is asking more veterinary practices to take part by setting up a pharmaceutical bin, and encouraging their clients to hand in any unused or outdated medication. They also suggest conversations with clients about the importance of safe antibiotic use.

Practices should record the amount of medicine collected, as well as the conversations they have with clients. They can use the hashtag #AntibioticAmnesty to share their progress.

Rita Dingwall, FIVP business development manager, said: “We are so grateful to the FIVP members who took part in Antibiotic Amnesty last year, and helped RUMA CA&E to make such an impact.

“If you are interested in getting your practice involved this year, I recommend visiting the RUMA CA&E website for some excellent resources to get you started. It is easy to get involved, and makes an important difference to the future of healthcare.”

For more information on the campaign, and to sign up for updates, visit the RUMA CA&E website.