Abandoned puppies rescued by Stowe Veterinary Group
FIVP member Stowe Veterinary Group has rescued three puppies which were found abandoned by the side of the road.
FIVP releases response to CMA issues statement
FIVP has published its response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA’s) issues statement.
RUMA CA&E launches 2024 Antibiotic Amnesty campaign
FIVP would like to encourage its members to get involved with the Responsible Use of Medicines Alliance – Companion Animal and Equine’s (RUMA CA&E’s) third annual Antibiotic Amnesty Month this November.
FIVP represented at Royal College Day
FIVP business development manager Rita Dingwall joined veterinary professionals to mark the inauguration of Dr Linda Belton.
Warren House Veterinary Centre named VetHelpDirect’s Best UK Vets 2024
FIVP member Warren House Veterinary Centre has been awarded Best UK Vets 2024, as part of VetHelpDirect’s annual Best UK Vets Awards.
Pennard Vets opens one of the largest practices in region
FIVP member Pennard Vets has opened its new premises, which is now one of the largest and most advanced practices in the South-East.
COMING SOON: FIVP launches ‘Practice Matters’ podcast
Practice Matters is a podcast designed to foster collaboration, spark insightful discussions and celebrate the ingenuity thriving within independent veterinary practices. With episodes set for a 10-minute format every fortnight, it’s the perfect companion for a walk with your dog or on the commute to work.
FIVP statement on CMA’s formal market investigation
Following a consultation with major veterinary organisations, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has announced that it will be launching a full investigation into the veterinary market.
Virtual Vet Derms: FIVP Discount
FIVP is proud to have worked with Virtual Vet Derms to secure a 20% discount for FIVP members wishing to receive a dermatology report.
FIVP attending University of Liverpool Careers Fair
FIVP will be attending University of Liverpool’s Careers Fair on Friday, 17 May 2024. We will be meeting veterinary students from the University of Liverpool School of Veterinary Science at their careers fair, where we will promote the unique benefits of working for an independent practice.