Independent practices unite against legal threat

Image: The trademark logo and the word 'trademark' is stamped in red on a brown folder

Growing numbers of independent practices are uniting in a legal battle against a corporate veterinary group.

The ‘We Are Spartacus’ group has been formed in response to numerous letters sent by IVC Evidensia, as it targets independent practices for using the term ‘Pet Health Club’.

IVC Evidensia’s claim

IVC Evidensia has threatened practices, including several FIVP members, with legal action if they do not cease use of the term ‘Pet Health Club’. This could mean expensive rebranding for those currently advertising a similarly named service, causing additional financial pressures for practices already challenged by corporate presence.

This is despite many independent practices saying they had used the term years before IVC Evidensia’s word mark and trade mark claims, which were registered in 2019. Natalie Morris-Webb, of Malthouse Veterinary Group, says that her practice’s ‘Pet Health Club’ had been running since 2017.

However, the corporation says that, because it launched its ‘Pet Health Club’ in 2015, it had built its own goodwill and reputation in the United Kingdom.

Independent practices supporting each other

The action group is working to unite those threatened by IVC Evidensia’s letter, forming a community that can support each other throughout the process. The group will pool its resources to gain expert advice and explore its options for collective legal action.

It will be sharing information about trade mark and word mark laws with practices with sign-up, and has already begun a dialogue with IVC Evidensia’s legal representatives.

‘We Are Spartacus’ hopes that, through collaboration, independent practices can raise awareness of the threat and hold corporates groups accountable for unfair conduct.

Join the cause

If you have received a letter from IVC Evidensia, or otherwise wish to demonstrate support for the action group’s cause, ‘We Are Spartacus’ invites you to join the movement. You can visit their dedicated website to tell your practice’s story, share your legal letter or get updates from the cause.

Rita Dingwall, chair of FIVP, said: “We completely understand how stressed and concerned many practices will feel at the threat of legal action. It is so important that independent practices stand together and that no practice faces this alone.

“If any FIVP members have received a similar letter from IVC Evidensia, we encourage them to get in touch with our team for supportive and confidential advice.”